Phone: +1 561-276-7711


Phone: +1 561-276-7711


Family Ministry

John 2:17

“And the world passes away, and its lust also; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

Ephesians 4:12

“To train the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ.”e

Ephesians 6:7

“Serve willingly, as slaves of the Lord, and not as slaves of men.”

Vision, Goals and Mission add texxt

Women new

To glorify Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, and to train women to discover and use their leadership and ministries in the home, church, and local community. Through the transformative power of the gospel, women will be the strength of the ladies' ministry department. Our vision is also to enrich and prepare women to see their value as human beings in Christ, and their role in the Church. fhdfhdj dfhd jfjdhfgjdhf fdfdfdf


To build the body of Christ in unity and love. To encourage people to behave in a manner worthy of the vocation they have received from God, to bear with one another in love while preserving the unity of the Spirit.


  • Transforming the Spiritual Climate of Calvary Church Members by Spreading the Message of Faith in Jesus Christ
  • Recognize the word of God, which is truth, as the path that leads believers from darkness to light.
  • To preserve the identity of the Gospel in order to share it faithfully with others: for we believe that the Gospel is the power
    of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
  • Train men and women for the harvest through teachings and prayer meetings.

Our mission is to equip men and women to live godly lives by serving their families, the church, and the community. The mission of the Ministry of the Family is to empower them to:

  • Reaching the Fullness of Their Potential in Christ 
  • Growing and Living in the Way of Christ
  • To be a center of prayer where men and women meet according to their schedule, in a spirit of communion, interceding for one another.
  • To be a training center that provides, through teachings or spiritual relaxations, a solid formation in the knowledge of the word of God so that each member may exploit the gifts that God has placed in him.
  • To be a healing center where diseases are healed, souls are restored
  • To be a center of comfort where everyone, regardless of their situation, can find the consolation, acceptance, and encouragement they need.
  • To be a supportive environment that touches the life of the entire church
  • Deliver a series of events that will foster camaraderie, awareness, and evangelism.

Ultimately, the mission of Calvary Covenant Church is to develop leaders, men and women who can carry out God’s work. It is a church that raises a team of powerful men and women in all areas of life to manifest the Glory of God according to the promises of His word.
This is our statement of faith!